Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Same old stuff

Innovation means you have something new to say to the world.

Success is only a gimmick away.

If I'm giving you the same crap you see everywhere else you're not going to come back for more.

Now's the time to be creative.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Somebody stroke my mind

Here's a topic for everone to think about today: How much does one ego prevent them from succeeding in life? Now, I'm not referring to an overblown ego. I'm not talking about that guy who struts his shit down the street all the while the people that know him understand that he's a complete asshole, thinking of nothing but himself. There are definitely people with large egos, who think they are the best of the best, and it's obvious why they might be held back in life. Confidence is confidence, but an overblown ego is very transparant and quickly identified as such. What I'm referring to is a whole different animal all together. In fact, it's most dangerous when the person afflicted doesn't even realize it's there.

I wake up every morning with the same routine: brush my teeth, take a shower, put on my clothes, and head to work. On a good day I might even have breakfast. Maybe. And every day I bide my time at work, whittling away the hours immersed in projects both assigned and personally created, until that four o'clock bell rings and I can head home. Sometimes I'll play a little softball, sometimes I'll work out, sometimes I'll just relax at home reading a book. There are no signs there to indicate an ego the size of the Texas sky and every night ends with my head comfortably on my pillow, with the subconscious knowledge of this fact. This is when I start thinking of the possibilities (a habit of mine that borders on the neurotic and, clinically, is probably not considered very healthy). As my eyes close and my brain starts to shut down, setting my body in a restful state for the night, I can't help but wonder: is my ego too big?

I'm a very modest person. I don't know if anybody will tell you otherwise. And I use myself as the subject in this line of thought for lack of a better reason other than it's easiest to pick my own brain. I also use the term "ego" for a lack of a better term, for I do not think it necesarily fits the exact definition of this affliction I talk about. More accurately, what I refer to is the function of the self-conscious to protect itself, to reason in such a way as to make the self as safe as possible in a world of conflict and risk. Risk? What is this risk? The risk of failure, the risk of getting hurt, the risk of disappointment...the list goes on and on. Conflict? Are we evolutionarily designed to minimize risk as much as possible? Isn't that how we have survived this long? By avoiding the lions and tigers we've avoided the avoidable risk, sneaked our way past the conflict, and discovered a way to make ourselves the predators. No more risk. Predatorial conflict is a thing of the past. These days we resign ourselves to be primarily susceptible either emotionally or mentally.

This is where I start questioning ego and the sense of self-protection. Are we hard-wired to avoid confrontation? To skirt our way around conflict? To minimize risk in order to preserve our sense of safety? The answer is obviously no, because most people are willing to take a shot at something, knowing that the payoff for whatever susceptibility they impose on themself is far greater than the harm that may be done. For the most part, though, this is not a conscious decision. There is far too much processing of information for this to occur on the surface of the brain, nor does it really need to be. It works, and it's enough to get us by. But what if it doesn't always work? What if there are people out there that don't have this ability? Or, if they do, it doesn't work as optimally as it should? I wonder if these people use the danger of failure, the danger of consequences, to prevent them from acting.

Any basic science class will tell you that electricity always flows through the path of least resistance. Obviously, the electrons don't reason this out for themselves, they just follow these rules that have been layed out for them. Can people do this too? Follow a path that takes them to the end, but through the easiest possible path? And what are they missing by living this way? Imagine you're in a store and your eyes wander to the face of an attractive girl (I think I've used this situation before. What does that say about me?). You walk on over to her, say hello, and start a pleasant conversation which eventually leads to a date and who knows what else. You realized, somewhere in that brain of yours, that although rejection is a bitch, the benefits of taking the risk far outweigh the risk. Now, what if you see that same girl and don't even think of approaching her. The thought doesn't even enter your mind. The furthest you get is realizing that she's attractive and instead of approaching her, you walk on past her not giving it a second thought. Your brain decided that there was a potential risk and avoided any possible situations in which you might get hurt. You ego has been saved once again. The result, obviously, is a boring life. No risk, no reward. The road most travelled has been paved over for the disabled, and that's what you've effectively become emotionally.

Now, I say all those simply out of conjecture. I do believe this exists. It's very easy to play it safe and if it's taken me this to long to come up with a very obvious conclusion, then I apologize. Really, though, it's the thought process that interests me. When it comes down to it, I think that it's very possibly to train yourself to be more adventurous, to stick your neck out there when appropriate, and reap the rewards. All it takes is a sense of self-awareness and the willingness to lose every now and then. But understanding this condition is the key element in solving it. Letting that wall down is only possible when it's no longer at your back and you can see it for what it is. Ego is not something to be protected, but something to be tested and built upon. Only by taking risk does one fulfull their potential and in the end up with a stronger ego than when they started.

Today's reflective thought: Hypothetical mental states that elicit heated discussions are usually not very hypothetical.

Bonus quote of the day: "Mother did it need to be so high?" - Mother, Pink Floyd

Friday, May 27, 2005

Timing is a fickle thing

Briefly: I'm in the middle of my certification period so I'm being observed by someone else in my group while I work in Mission Control (MCC). Here I am finishing up my week of midnight shift in MCC, figuring that tonight will be just as slow as last night. Well, I stepped of console to support from my MPSR (support room...don't ask), leaving my observer behind in the Flight Control Room. It turns out that the American crewmember onboard the International Space Station (John Phillips) called my console to talk to the BME (that's my position) just to say hello. Apparantly he had some free time and wanted to see how things were going with us. Now, I'm sure this doesn't sound very exciting for most people, and I admit that I probably would have said something incredibly stupid, but it's not everyday that I get a chance to talk on the phone with an astronaut, especially one calling from 250 miles above the surface of the Earth. Instead, my observer got the privelage of talking with John. Lucky her.

This brings up an interesting point about timing: there's just no accounting for it. Actually, the real point is that life is just a series of opportunities and timing is a large part of every single one of them. Now, I don't necessarily believe in the existance of a "right place at the right time" but situation definitely dictates opportunity. What's incredible is how much impact one event can have on a person's life and how easy it is to miss it and not even know it. Perhaps we're better off being oblivious of these missed opportunities. Have you ever walked down the street and wondered how much your life would be different if you were friends with that woman on the corner, the one with the cowboy boots and I Love NY t-shirt? But erhaps you were on your way to a meeting and didn't have time to stop and say hello (wrong time of day). Or maybe you were just too shy to approach her (wrong time in your life). However, to call them missed opportunities and think about them in a negative sense is almost misdirected. Opportunities are arbitrary. If you miss one, another will come along. Sometimes you make your own. Sometimes they are made for you. Point is, they are always there and to miss one only brings you to another. Life isn't exactly a choose-your-own adventure book, but it sure as hell isn't spelled out for you.

Quote of the day: "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

On purpose, audience, and rodents

I now officially have two people reading my blog. That's what friends are for. If they tell two friends to read this, who then tell two more friends to read this, then, well, that'll only be 14 people reading this. Not exactly NY Times distribution but more reception than I get on a typical day.

I've decided to use this space as a method to stimulate my mind, to tap into the vast reserve of thoughts that I know occupy my skull but rarely made it to the surface of my mind. I have no desire to gossip about my friends, give detailed accounts of my love life (however non-existent it may be) or go on and on about the political, social, and economical effects of Italian-American relations during World War II and the role it played in picking the new Pope. No, instead it's going to be a repository for The Rube's free-association jamboree. Imagine a gerbil in it's cage, running full throttle on it's little exercise wheel. I'm talking mach speed, legs all a-blur, like he's sprinting to the finish line of this crazy race we call life. Now take a thick, black blanket and put it over the cage. That's my brain. There's all kinds of crazy thing going on in there but you don't get any idea of what it is outside of a few chirps and occasionally some heavy panting. I'd like to change that.

Happy thought of the day: Bullshit sessions with old friends

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Who's got tickets to the show? Posted by Hello

This was supposed to go in my profile section but apparantly I'm too stupid to figure out how to do that. Now you're just blessed with seeing my dirty, sweaty picture. If you're wondering, this picture was taken during lunch on the first day of the 2005 MS Society MS150 bike ride from Houston to Austin.

My personal casino

It is now 6:15am in good ole Houston and my work day is about to come to an end. This week I'm pulling the night shift in Mission Control as part of my training process to prepare me for pulling the night shift when I'm fully certified. Being fully certified means that I've finally become responsible enough not to fall asleep during the midnight shift. Good stuff. The only difference between MCC and a casino is the lack of outrageously dressed women delivering free drinks. I'm still stuck in a windowless room with absolutely no sense of passing time. I wish I had something to report to you from the wonderful world of Space Station operations but it's been a relatively slow week. That, and I'd probably be arrested if I disclosed anything about work in my blog.

I got my first comment today. I feel vindicated that someone is actually reading this. Turns out to be my good friend Drew whom I haven't spoken to in a very long time. I've noticed that there are a lot of people that I've neglected over the past year. Some of them I've neglected on purpose because sometimes you eventually decide that life is better without some people in it. The majority, however, have been the toothbrush that you were supposed to bring with you on your trip to Bermuda but accidently left on the nightstand. I thought they were with me until I realized that, well, they weren't. It's something i need to work on. Fortunately (or is it unfortunately) most of my friends are in the same boat so no matter how much guilt I feel over degraded communication they are feeling the same thing. When we finally do get in contact each of us is so relieved that the other isn't pissed about not being called in such a long time that all is forgotten and good times could be had.

My friend (who arguable writes a much more interesting blog than I do) asked me what type of blog this was going to be. I had no idea I had to define that type of thing. I figured I would just write and write and keep my fingers crossed that I would write something 1) I found interesting and 2) others found interesting. That, and I'm limited by my knowledge of HTML. Once I get that down I'll start posting a few pictures of myself and all those things and people that occupy some space in my life.

And since no posting would be complete without some kind of rant or rave, I want to say how disappointed I am at those "moderate" Democrats who struck a deal with the "moderate" Republicans in order to avoid the showdown over the filibuster rules. What a bunch of crap. Speaking as a registered (and proud) Democrat I'm appalled at the lack of balls of the current set of Dems in the Senate. They caved in by producing this agreement that will relegate congressional filibuster to only extraordinary cases which anyone (politician or not) can tell you means absolutely nothing. It was a stalling tactic by the Dems to try to save some face and it was a brilliant move by the Republicans to get some of Bush's nominations approved. The Republicans knew that if they passed this so-called nuclear option there credibility would have been destroyed and they would have hence forth been known as the party willing to muscle it's way through any impass. The Dems had every right to filibuster all the nominees and should have taken a stand on principle by not making any truces with the Republicans. As it is, if we do get to the point of replacing a Supreme Court justice, this debate will once again be rekindled and all hell will break lose. Democracy is dead (or, if not deaded, wounded). Congress is all about power and who has the majority of it and what they can get away with. Call me biased, but the current set of Republicans (including Bush) scare the crap out of me. Not because of what they want to do, but by how much they've been able to get away with. I'll be very happy to see them all go when the time comes.

Today's happy thought: Big-ass strawberries.

I went looking for a picture of a strawberry and I found this site involving the pyrotechnics of strawberry pop tarts. A must read for everyone:

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Just when I thought I saw it all

It's very common to see someone driving a Ford F150 around Houston. It's just what people drive around here. You also get a fair share of F250s. A bit bigger than an F150 but nothing too ridiculous. Today, while driving around Corpus Christi, I saw an F650! That's frickin' huge!

Check out this website: http://www.backcountryjournal.com/f650pickups.htm

This is the epitome of what it means to be a Texan. I need to get out of this state.

Please don't touch me

Well, you can if you really want to, but I think my sunburn will greatly disagree with your decision. I spent the weekend down in Corpus Christi (that's Latin for "the body of Christi"...Christi must have been the founder's girlfriend...) watching a few friends run a marathon. Actually, they weren't all running a marathon. Or, rather, none of them were. It was one of them funky relay marathons were 6 people all run between 4 and 5 miles of the total 26. I was there to help people get to their starting lines and then back to the hotel. Mission accomplished. They all seemed very proud of themselves which kind of made me wish I had absolutely any desire to do it myself. I don't and probably never will. Running aint my bag.

I learned an interesting thing about myself this weekend: I really don't like going to bars anymore and I'm really not very great around people that I don't know. Make that two things. What I mean by that is my level of comfort plunges when I'm placed in a social situation with people I've just met. If they just happen to be attractive females then I'm even worse off. Why this is I don't know. Would I like to change it? Indubiously. I just don't know how. I have the feeling that the older I get the more introverted I'm becoming. Which is in direct conflict with my desire to date, which I haven't been doing in far too long of a time. Part of it is contentness with doing my own little thing which I seem to be enjoying. The other part is this indescribable feeling that I have nothing in common with most people. I've always felt myself to be somewhat of an outsider (self-imposed) but I have no justification for this. I'm probably as mainstream as they come. I just have trouble connecting with people that I've just met. Will this ever change? I really don't know but it's definitely something to work on.

Welcome inside my head.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

What are these keys for?

Blank. My first entry into a blog that I plan on updating every so often (read: monthly) and I can't think of a single thing to write. Ok, make that a second thing to write. This is someone's chance to get an exclusive peek into my mind and I come up with an overwhelming desire to write something clever and original. Well, that might not be my style. Not yet, at least. I think I deserve some kind of warm up.

It's a hot, muggy spring afternoon in good old H-town. It only get hotter and muggier from here until, say, the end of September. One of these days I'll get myself out of this town and re-enter civilization. Houston is just one of those places that you wan to be able to say "yeah, I've been there" and nothing else. Hell, the majority of the people I know don't even want to say that much, and most of them already live here.

Welcome to my ranting and raving page. That wasn't my original intention but it appears that's the path this is taking today. Besides, if I can't complain in an open forum which no one will actually read then where can I do it.

I've got O.A.R. playing on the iTunes right now. I had to miss them play in Houston because the family was in town. The things I'll do for family. If you've never heard of them (O.A.R., not my family) I recommend you remedy that as soon as possible. I've heard people describe then as a jam band, in the same genre of music as Phish. Can't say I've ever listened to Phish but O.A.R. has a way of making you wish you could grow your hair long, pick up a guitar, and forget your cares for a while. Don't you wish more things did that in life?