Friday, May 27, 2005

On purpose, audience, and rodents

I now officially have two people reading my blog. That's what friends are for. If they tell two friends to read this, who then tell two more friends to read this, then, well, that'll only be 14 people reading this. Not exactly NY Times distribution but more reception than I get on a typical day.

I've decided to use this space as a method to stimulate my mind, to tap into the vast reserve of thoughts that I know occupy my skull but rarely made it to the surface of my mind. I have no desire to gossip about my friends, give detailed accounts of my love life (however non-existent it may be) or go on and on about the political, social, and economical effects of Italian-American relations during World War II and the role it played in picking the new Pope. No, instead it's going to be a repository for The Rube's free-association jamboree. Imagine a gerbil in it's cage, running full throttle on it's little exercise wheel. I'm talking mach speed, legs all a-blur, like he's sprinting to the finish line of this crazy race we call life. Now take a thick, black blanket and put it over the cage. That's my brain. There's all kinds of crazy thing going on in there but you don't get any idea of what it is outside of a few chirps and occasionally some heavy panting. I'd like to change that.

Happy thought of the day: Bullshit sessions with old friends


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