Thursday, May 19, 2005

What are these keys for?

Blank. My first entry into a blog that I plan on updating every so often (read: monthly) and I can't think of a single thing to write. Ok, make that a second thing to write. This is someone's chance to get an exclusive peek into my mind and I come up with an overwhelming desire to write something clever and original. Well, that might not be my style. Not yet, at least. I think I deserve some kind of warm up.

It's a hot, muggy spring afternoon in good old H-town. It only get hotter and muggier from here until, say, the end of September. One of these days I'll get myself out of this town and re-enter civilization. Houston is just one of those places that you wan to be able to say "yeah, I've been there" and nothing else. Hell, the majority of the people I know don't even want to say that much, and most of them already live here.

Welcome to my ranting and raving page. That wasn't my original intention but it appears that's the path this is taking today. Besides, if I can't complain in an open forum which no one will actually read then where can I do it.

I've got O.A.R. playing on the iTunes right now. I had to miss them play in Houston because the family was in town. The things I'll do for family. If you've never heard of them (O.A.R., not my family) I recommend you remedy that as soon as possible. I've heard people describe then as a jam band, in the same genre of music as Phish. Can't say I've ever listened to Phish but O.A.R. has a way of making you wish you could grow your hair long, pick up a guitar, and forget your cares for a while. Don't you wish more things did that in life?


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