Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Puzzle Clues

It occurred to me that I might be throwing you head first into these puzzles. Truth is, they aren't very easy. Only one person has gotten the correct answer for the first puzzle, with one other person pointing out that they are too difficult. I'll split the difference and say they are mildy tough. But, that being said, I will also provide a clue or two to get you rolling. I'd rather have you getting them with help than not getting them at all. To begin with, at least...

Puzzle #1:
Most things you see are not there by coincidence (apart from the occasional red herring). For instance:
a) Why is Spanish being used? Perhaps you can tie that in with what else is in the picture...
b) Why are there ghosts and what are they saying? Is that significant? Maybe.

Lastly, it might be useful to come up with various 10-letter movie titles and work backward from there. Like I said, only one person has come up with the answer and, although she is wicked smart, the puzzle isn't too hard. You can do it!


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