Friday, August 19, 2005

Holy fucking shit.

I don't consider myself a movie buff. I don't consider myself a fair movie critic. And I'm the first to admit that I can be pretty hard when it comes to judging movies. HOWEVER, I just came back from watchin The 40 Year Old Virgin and I can honestly say I haven't laughed that hard, that much in a long time. Now, apart from demonstrating how unfunny my normal life is, it's also a testament to how great a movie this was. I'm not saying it's going to win an Academy Award for best screenplay, but it's guaranteed to make you so close to pissing yourself from laughing so hard that you're not going to mind pissing yourself because you're laughing so hard. If any of you have seen Steve Carroll's other movies (always bit parts such as Anchorman and Bruce Almighty) you know that he has a certain way about him. His humor comes not so much from the words he speaks but in the manner that he delivers them. That is to say, although the content might lack in originality, the comic expression is truly his own. This is easily going to ranked up there with such classics as Office Space and Clerks. Tonight was the opening night so if you haven't seen it yet, I'll understand why. But, if you're a fan of stupid comedies with less than tasteful humor, you owe it to yourself to see it as soon as possible.

On another note, I'm touched by the massive outpouring of support I've witnessed over the past few days. My readership has exploded from a handful of people to at least two handfuls, and it appears I owe some of it to my friend Drew Volturo who has graciously added a link to my blog off his own. I would wish that my readers would extend the same courtesy and check out Drew's blog (the link was on my blog until it was cleared for some reason, an omission soon to be corrected) except that I really don't have any readers. But if I did, I'd send them straight there to catch up on the latest going ons in the Delaware beach scene.

Truly, you don't know how excited I am to know that people are reading this. It's just icing on the cake if they actually enjoy it. So, please, keep reading and keep up those comments. I know my speciality is in the general rambling of nothing in particular but if you have any topics that you'd like to get my opinion on I'd be happy to share. Otherwise, it's just going to be one big blogging free for all and it's anybody's guess how it'll end up.

Thought of the day: G.I. Joe told us that 'knowing is half the battle'. Does that mean that not knowing is the other half? Was that little plastic action figure really telling us that ignorance is, in fact, bliss?


Blogger Unknown said...

Good site.

Sat Aug 20, 12:24:00 AM  
Blogger Drew V. said...

Awww, Rubinator! You DO care!

Now all you need is a hit counter. Loving the GI Joe reference.... but now you've made me think. Dammit!

Sat Aug 20, 01:30:00 PM  

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