Thursday, June 09, 2005

Some things gained are never lost

Friendships are a strange animal. They pop up in front of you when you least expect it. Sometimes they disappear, leaving hardly a sign that they once existed. I've come across those that you've enjoyed for years only to wake up one morning and realize that that friend has become no more than a casual acquintance. Then there are those friendships that lay dormant for years only to explode in your face with brilliance and wonder. These are all friendships to remember, for the that love is created and grows between two people is something to be cherished, regardless of how it all looks years later.

I've had all these types of friendships, and it's not uncommon for me to wonder what happened to them all. I cling tightly to those which have survived the trials and tribulations of time; they are my life and to lose them would be akin to losing part of myself. Those that have slipped through my fingers make me sad because I'm left to wonder what kind of joy those people would have brought to my life, and me theirs, if we had continued through life hand in hand, side by side. I can take solice, however, in knowing that once touched we are never the same. The reflection I see in the mirror is shaded with all those people, past and present, who have walked some ways down the road with me.

Happy thought of the day: Getting in touch with long lost friends


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