Monday, August 15, 2005

What's wrong with your eyes?

You can stop rubbing them now. It's true, the blog has changed colors, but have no fear! You'll still be getting the same crappy content as always. I try not to disappoint my loyal fan. Er, fans. I think there are at least two of you out there.

Here's an observation I've come up with (though I know I'm not the first to think of it): Why don't all the lonely people in this world just get together and screw? I mean, it sure would solve a lot of the loneliness, don't you think? Now, I'm not saying I'd do it because I consider myself one of the better looking of the lonely people and I'm not about to lower my standards and screw an ugly, lonely person.

That was humor. If you don't get it you probably fit into the ugly, lonely, stupid person category. In that case, I definitely won't screw you.

That was all pretty random. What I actually intended to talk about was a recent concert I went to. A couple of weeks ago I saw Jack Johnson perform at the Verizon Wireless theater which, despite having the unfortunate tendency to be located in Houston is actually a really great venue for a concert. It's large enough for a relatively big name act but still small enough to get close to the stage. Anyway, if you haven't heard of Jack Johnson then it's about time you did. However, what I really wanted to write about are his opening acts. I think JJ is big enough now where he doesn't need my help to spread publicity. However, the opening acts are still struggling artists and I'd be more than happy to help their careers.

The first act was called ALO (animal liberation orchestra).Really just a kick ass kind of jam band with incredibly talented musicians. I don't even know how to describe them since I'm usually not a big jam band kind of guy. But they are definitely worth checking out.

The other guy, though, is just balls to the wall good. Seriously, if you're the type of person who's willing to expand their musical taste and try something new then this is the first guy you should run to. Of course, if you're set in your Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit ways then I suggest you read someone elses blog because we're just not going to get along. This guys name is Matt Costa and you can find him at A friend of mine described him as 1960's folkly rock. She nailed it right on the head. I'd say he's got a bit of Dylan in him but is contemporary enough not to be a total hipster. He's got some seriously great stuff and I recommend you all go out and buy his album now. NOW!

Quote of the day: I'm at least a 15 percentile female!
That gem actually came from my mouth today. I'll let you ask if you want to know the whole story...


Blogger The Rube said...

It's not as funny as I want it to be, but here coworker was telling me that I was too small to be an astronaut. I had to explain to him that this was far from the truth, seeing how the space suits are designed to accomodate people sized anywhere from the 95% male down to the 5% female. So, in my defense I claimed that I was at least a 15% female. It took me no more than, say, two seconds to realize how big of a mistake it was saying that...

Sat Aug 20, 09:33:00 PM  

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