Thursday, January 26, 2006

Neverending youth

Today I took a trip to my nieghborhood Barnes & Noble to buy some travel books for Europe and Germany. I figured it was a good idea for me to have some idea of the country I was going to be living in for a few months. I handed the books to the cashier who asked me if I was going to be studying in Germany. Studying?

I think it's fascinating that even at the age of 28 I'm still being confused with a college student. Of course, this just goes hand in hand with being carded at every bar I go to. As surprising as this is, though, it is nothing compared to be carded at a movie theater where you have to be the mature age of 17 to get into a rated R movie. That was definitely a low-point in my above-17 life.

Happy Thought Of The Day: When I'm 90 I'll be asked if I'm 70, and everybody loves a good looking 70 year old.


Blogger elasticwaistbandlady said...

Whine and kvetch, OY! I have the opposite problem where I'm not aging quite as well as my studly Mexican husband, even though he's nearly 4 years older.
People practically accused me of being a pedophile when we first married because they thought he was still in high school.
I wonder if I start soaking in pickle juice brine if I can preserve myself better?

Mon Feb 06, 07:20:00 AM  

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