Monday, January 23, 2006

Didn't see that one coming

This weekend I watched the movie Sin City with a few friends. Or, should I say, 'ex-friends' because after choosing that one I'm sure they will not be hanging out with me anymore. That's not to say it was a bad movie. In fact, I think it was one of the most interesting movies I've seen in a longtime. The cinematography in itself was enough to deserve massive amounts of praise.

But don't deceive yourself, this ain't no Disney movie. In fact, it's gotten be the most disturbing movie outside of the pair of Kill Bill films. The only difference is that Tarantino threw in a dose of campiness into Kill Bill which diluted the disturbing nature that accompanies that much blood letting. Sin City doesn't pull any punches other than it's use of a comic book style of cinematography. So, although you don't necessary see large quantities of red blood (in fact, most of it isn't) you do see a lot of gore and otherwise disturbing images. People die, and in horrible ways. And although this film was only 'guest' directed by Tarantino, the order of the story board reeks of his influence. Linearity is put in a blender and puree'd. Like most Tarantino flicks, though, the end justifies the means. Confusing as it may be to follow the multiple story lines as they weave in and out of each other through the course of the story, their resolution in the end makes it clear that the method in which the story was told was of upmost necessity.

This movie isn't for everyone. Hell, it might not be for anyone. But if you're craving originality this should be towards the top of your list. See if with friends because to watch it alone is only asking for nightmares. But also make sure those friends are likely to enjoy this type of movie. Otherwise, you might end up with a few less friends.


Blogger elasticwaistbandlady said...

Personally, I think Tarantino and his sick twisted mind are going to Hell, but who am I to judge?

AT least you're an adult man. I don't know how mature but you are chronologically an appropriate age for rated R movies. My Mom's friend took her 12 YEAR OLD daughter to see, Hostel. How messed up is that? Another Tarantino gem full of sex, nudity, torture, amputation, gore.

That Mother is going to Hell too.

Mon Feb 06, 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey it wasn't that bad....also we all get to look forward to the sequel!

Sat Mar 04, 05:54:00 PM  

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