Monday, September 19, 2005

When the moon hits your eye

Yes, this is my second post in one night. You're going to see a lot of that this week. Working the wee hours of the night is dangerous. Not only is it the breeding ground for strange philosiphical thoughts but it also affords me plenty of opportunity to record them here. Just wait until Friday morning when I've been at this for a week. You'll be amazed at some of the things I can come up with.

As it is, I just wanted to mention one more reason why I work here. I try not to write about work too much because I know most people don't care about and those who do get enough of it at work where they don't need to read about it here. Them's the's my blog, I'll do what I want. Oriting the Earth about 250miles above our heads is the International Space Station. Attached like barnacles to this structure you'll find numerous video cameras which, given the right satellite coverage, beam footage to the ground. Tonight I got to see such footage. In it's relentless race around the globe the ISS picks up many objects with its cameras, the moon being one of them. Tonight I got to see the station out run the Moon causing our only natural satellite to appear to set behind the Earth. For lack of better words, it was magnificent. As the moon started dipping into the bright haze of the sunlit Earthly atmosphere, it's outer limbs melted into the light that outshone the fullness of it's face. It only took a few seconds before it disappeared entirely.

I don't feel so bad about having to stay up all night anymore.


Blogger Lee said...

And here I was, enthralled by the almost-full moon I saw from the airplane Friday night. In terms of magnificence, you win.

Sounds unbelievably beautiful!

Mon Sep 19, 10:54:00 PM  

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