Monday, September 12, 2005

I blew it...big time

For those of you who are concerned, I am finally pulling away from the clutches of the virus whose unholy presence occupied my body last week. I thought it was a cold. It was quite possibly the flu, which is strange because I'm not usually susceptable to the flu. Either way, it sucked, and it came at the worst possible moment. Last week was my final check out week for Mission Control. To save you all the unnecessarily boring details, as of Saturday I am now allowed to work in Mission Control by myself. No more people watching over me, making sure I don't screw up. Now, if I screw up, only I'll be there to fix it. As you can imagine, it was crucial that I perform to my highest potential last week and being sick did not help at all. Fortunately, it turns out that I'm so good at what I do that even in my incapacitated state I still shone. Damn I'm good...

But I said that I blew it, and I'll tell you why. I've told you about my two previous run ins with the very nice girl. That might be the end of it. Being sick and all, I have absolutely no ability to function outside of those processes necessary for life. That includes getting my ass of the couch after work and making any phone calls. You see where I'm going with this? I had told the very nice girl via email that I was sick early in the week. Then I proceeded to not have any contact with her the rest of the week. I never would've thought that this kiss of death would be my only kiss in the relationship. History has taught me that in order to have a healthy relationship one must actually communicate with the other person. I neglected to do that. In my defense, it was enough of an challenge to move myself from the couch to the bed. Even if I did call her it would have gone something like this:

Me: Hi there very nice girl.
VNG: Hi Dave.
Me: ugh, my body hurts.
VNG: Freak. Never call me again.

I've since tried contacting her. I'll let you know how it goes...

But like every cloud, there is a silver lining. Being sick last week afforded me the time to watch a few movies, like I Heart Huckabees, Stripes, and The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers. There's nothing bad I can say about the last two. I Heart Huckabees is a great movie. One of those films that you watch and think, "what the hell did I just watch?" If Vin Diesel is your favorite actor I'd stay away from this one. Stripes is just classic Bill Murray. Can't go wrong with that. But the high point of the week was when everything was said and done and it was time to celebrate with a nice little barbecue amongst friends and coworkers. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I may be disgusted by much of what Houston stands for, but they sure can barbecue down here.

My coworker and friend has a smoker in his back yard. Due to his dedication and love of smoking, he cooked up some incredible brisket, chicken, and an obscene amount of sausages. The only thing more obscene was the sight of us ramming them down our throats. But they were good, damn good. It wasn't until I got down to Texas did I realize that I had never truly barbecued before. I had grilled. I had used a barbecued to cook burgers and sausages and an assortment of various types of meat and meat product. True barbecuing, never. When the day finally comes for me to leave Texas (not soon enough) I will look back with a tear in my eye at the sight of a brisket covered in bbq sauce.

Side dish of the day: Mashed potatoes


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