Thursday, May 04, 2006

Because I know how much you worry...

...I wanted to check in with everyone. It's been a strange couple of weeks and I won't do you the disservice of actually accounting for them. All you need to know is that they involved a horrible cold, a painful plane ride, and ear infection (my first in twenty years), and many, many tissues.

Scattered in there you'll find a trip to Boston to see some friends and do a little recruiting and a side trip to NY to see my family which includes what might possibly be the cutest three year old ever to be born (I haven't downloaded the photos yet).

I'll write about those later...maybe. What actually prompted me to write is, well, let's just say something prompted me to write. I'll leave out the details for now to protect my own interests. I have a question to pose and perhaps my four faithful readers will have to some thoughts to share: have you ever been in a situation in which you wanted something despite the fact that you know it could possible be a bad idea to begin with? And, if the answer is 'yes', what did you do about it?

I expect very few people, if any, to understand the reason for that question but I have a feeling that many of you have faced that question in your own individual pasts. Discuss.


Blogger W&MGrad said...

Yes. And I went for it...and I paid for it for about 2 years until I finally came to my senses!

Fri May 05, 12:28:00 AM  
Blogger elasticwaistbandlady said...

What is this??!!? The Rube Home Version Of True Confessions?

I'll show you mine if you show me yours first Rube!!!!

Fri May 05, 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... only live once...whatever IT is, go for it.
I've been in the situation, and althought I knew it could be a bad idea, the pro's outweighed the con's.

Sat May 06, 08:40:00 PM  
Blogger Lee said...

A somewhat wise man once told me that the answer to any question was 42...and that, "if 42 isn't the answer to your question then you just have the wrong question". (I love archives!)

From a different perspective...definitely have been in that place before. When it came to deciding how much I wanted that "something" (despite possible consequences), I always wound up asking the same question: which would I regret more - going after that something and it turning out badly, or not going after it at all?

Sometimes it meant passing that "something" up...sometimes it meant going after it anyways...and yes, sometimes it turned out to be exactly the bad idea I thought it would be. That's make decisions, and sometimes they're bad ones. But you learn and keep on living.

Sat May 06, 10:42:00 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Well, the admissions counselor deciding to date a student coordinator doesn't typically fall under the best of ideas. But hey, 3 1/2 years later we're engaged, so it worked.

How bad do you want it? And how bad could things get? Which side of the scale is heavier?

Mon May 08, 08:04:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The answer is yes. The result was a few weeks of unemployment during which I snapped out of my stupidity, followed by a job that was far better than the bad deal I'd turned down earlier. And if you never take a chance, you'll never know if you made the right choice! Go for it - whatever it is.

Tue May 09, 10:58:00 PM  

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