Friday, April 07, 2006

And I wonder why I'll be eternally single...

The other day a friend was explaining to me that, although she had missed the latest round of cuts at her relatively new job, she had been receiving numerous calls from headhunters and other such holders of employment givers. She isn't sure how these people have acquired her name and phone number, but it appears that they are trying to scoop up those ex-employees who might be looking for a new career. They haven't received the memo that she still has a job.

My friend was pondering this at loud over a beer. Why, she wondered, was she being offered so many jobs when it took her a considerable amount of time to find the one she currently holds. I proceeded to explain that jobs are like women. When you need one, they're no where to be found but the minute you get one, the rest come out of the woodwork and they're throwing themselves at you. I received a quizzical look at this that I interpreted to mean that, although subconsciously she agreed with my statement, on the surface she was midly disgusted with the analogy.

No need to wonder any more.

New Paltz, NY (One of my favorite places)


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