Tuesday, November 15, 2005

10 quick years have come and gone

In a week and a half my high school class will be convening at a banquet hall to eat and drink and catch up with everyone after all these years. I will be going. I don't know why.

I do know why. It's because my friend wants to go and he wants me to come along. I couldn't convince my brother to go and after looking at the list of people who will be attending, I really don't blame the guy. These are people that I grew up with. I had some classmates who I went to school with from the first day of elementary school to the last day of high school. Others I met along the way. Most, however, had very little impact on my life. Those that were important to me have stuck around in my life. Mostly. There are some people that I lost touch with and this I regret, but such is the way of life. My point being that I really don't care if I ever see most of these people ever again. Before I saw the list I though it would be a good idea but now that I know that the people I would actually like to see aren't even going to be there I've lost my desire to attend. The only catch is that a friend of mine (you remember my friend?) has already payed his money and I don't want to ditch out on him. So I haven't. My money has been paid and I'm going to the reunion.

The thing that bothers me the most, and it bothers me that it bothers me, is that I feel like this is going to be one big judgement festival. Who's successful, who's not? Who's married? Who's still single? Who's in prison? Who's out on parole? You get the idea. Because, really, why else would anybody attend? Truth is, like myself, most people have kept in touch with the people that they wanted to keep in touch with. I'll admit that I'm curious to see how a few people turned out. I like to think that I've done a decent job with my life. I've gotten a few degrees, landed myself an interesting job, and well...that's it I guess. What I'm not looking forward to is spending three hours meeting everyone's significant others and hearing about the wonderful babies. Or repeating my story over and over again until I get to the point of just making things up to keep myself entertained.

I'm also partially embarrassed to admit that I'm still single. My situation is definitely not unique but I used to think that by this point in my life I would have made a little more progress in that area. I haven't. I'm not necessarily concerned what everyone thinks about this fact and I'm not conceited enough to think they even care. Just like I don't care about their spouses and babies (though I'm sure they're just adorable) my former peers aren't really going to give two shits about my marital status. It bothers me, especially as I quickly approach my 28th birthday in a week. It shouldn't bother me. I know this. On a day to day basis I don't even think about it as I tend to enjoy the things I get to do as a single person.

I'm not happy with this post but seeing how I've spent a good chunk of time writing it I'll keep it for now. This will be a lesson to myself not to write entries at 4am. Read it while you can because there' s a good chance it'll be gone be tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that you are gonna have a good time (at least for 10min)...and that you will be glad that you did attend...there is a part of me that regrets not going b/c I am a little curious to see who f-uped, who is still an a-hole and most of all to see if the f-ups and a-holes are still f-ups and a-holes!

Tue Nov 15, 06:30:00 PM  
Blogger elasticwaistbandlady said...

You are so absolutely emotionally unfettered in your writing. I love it. This blog may become a new must read for me on a daily basis.

My only lament is that I don't know a nice Jewish girl to send your way. My super smart sister-in-law is 30 and single and was engaged to the son of a Rabbi in Mexico City. They broke up, mutually deciding that a Mormon and a Jew might make it difficult for their future children.

Did you watch Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion before going?

Tue Feb 07, 08:47:00 PM  

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